

Happy Monday everyone,

I have a few tips for you, what is nice to know before the session, for you to feel more relaxed and comfortable during the session. I m not a writer, so I keep this short and sweet for you guys.

Hope this little things will put your mind at ease. Remember, this is a photoshoot, not a business meeting, so the more relaxed you are about it the better ❤

1. Not everyone has to be looking and smiling at the camera at the same time. In fact, the less you look right into the camera, the better. The more you interact with each other, the more natural your photos will look.

2. Cheese is for a dinner party! Please do not force your children to say Cheeeeese . Those smiles are fake. No comment needed on this. A tickle, or a funny face would be lot more beneficial 🙂

3. Be sure to leave plenty of time to get ready, to avoid stressing yourself out.

4. Choose your clothing carefully, well coordinated outfit choices make an “ok” photo look fantastic. I have put together a styling guide, which I m going to send you after you book, so do not worry, I m here to help. You will find lots of helpful notes in there.

5. Do not worry if you children “misbehave “. Actually I find that during mischievous moments I capture lots of personalities. The cheekier the better, they should have fun, enjoy themselves.

As I said earlier, short and sweet, but if you take these tips with you for your next session, you will have a wonderful time !



Was this helpful for you? Please let me know in a comment below x

It’s no secret that newborns have something very special about them. With or without props.

My style recently is a bit “posed” and a bit “lifestyle” or “baby-led“.

When I first started photographing newborns I jam packed my car with a beanbag, chairs, backdrops, baskets, buckets, and props until I could barely close the doors or see out from the windows.

I felt pressure to capture the perfect, posed newborn picture and felt that this is the right way to do it. Although these set-ups worked, and work well for a lot of photographers, I felt like I was missing something, that is not me, that is not what I meant to do.

So I decided to sell most of my props and I freed myself from the expectations of posed and perfect. By this, I gave myself permission to document real moments, real feelings, real connections.

I started realising less is more and what it is that truly amazes me about these tiny humans.

There is so much beauty in simplicity and who babies already are.

What I look for now:

  1. a simple, adorable yawn,

  2. the tiny stretches of their fragile limbs,

  3. how snug and cozy they look when all swaddled up,

  4. or the connection between a parent, sibling and newborn,

  5. also feeding, holding, cuddling, soothing, burping, rocking and adoring,

Props I tend to use nowdays:

  1. things that have sentimental value and bring the past into the present moment. Some families had Moses baskets that have been in the families for generations. Other families had quilts that were handmade by a loved relative. These became essential to my sessions and added more meaning and depth to a family’s story.

  2. tiny hairbands, handmade knitted/crochet hats in neutral, white, cream or grey

  3. tiny teddies

  4. occasionally I use a basket, or a little bed

  5. my giant beanbag

Every client has a different ideas and a different story, so the images are different for every family but what all my newborn sessions have in common is this huge new love that comes with welcoming a baby.

Hello there,

When you are planning a maternity session I’m pretty sure you’ll have lots of questions. From what to wear, when to book to the best time to have the photographs taken.

The answer to all these is going to be different for every women and every photographer but I give you some helpful tips so you can figure out when will be the best time for you.

When is the best time to take maternity photos?

The ideal time to schedule your maternity photo session is usually between 30 and 34 weeks. For twins, schedule earlier. Probably around 24-28 weeks. This will usually result in the most flattering photographs as your bump will be nice and round at this stage, but not so heavy that you feel too tired and uncomfortable.

But this time can vary depending on your body. Pay attention to your body and when you feel would be the best time for you.

If you have waited too long to schedule your photo and you’re wondering if it’s too late, it’s not. It’s always better to get them done late than never. If you’re finding it harder to walk around at this point of your pregnancy, ask your photographer to accommodate your needs.

When to book your maternity photo shoot

Depending on what time of year it is, and the area you live your photographer could book up if you wait too long. I usually suggest scheduling your maternity photos after your 20 week scan. This gives you the best chance of securing the right date and time, and also gives you and your photographer plenty of time to plan the shoot so that it’s tailored to you.

I hope this post has given you an idea of the timings involved, so that you can plan your own session in time.

Have you got any other questions about maternity photography? I’d love to answer them for you. DM me or let me know in the comments below



So for many of you finding the right photographer, deciding what to wear for a session, etc can be a challenge. So I’m here to help!

Over the next 5 weeks, I’ll be sharing tips with you to make this process from the beginning to the end so much easier. Make sure you follow along to catch them all!

Let’s jump straight in with tip #1:


1 – Look at their portfolio, make sure you like their style

Have a look at the photographer’s portfolio and ask yourself if you’d be happy with similar photographs? If the answer is yes then bookmark their page, get in touch with them.

2- Print or File

Do you need printed photographs or digital files of the end product? Not every photographer is providing all. If you`d like digitals then make sure the photographer offers that, otherwise you have the wrong photographer.

3 – Meet them

A meeting is a completely different experience to having an email conversation, it’s a much more personal experience and usually involves a nice cuppa tea, or coffee, ask questions, go through their portfolio and see how you feel with them. Do they put you at ease? Do you feel they understand what you want? The more relaxed you are around your photographer, the more natural and at ease your photos will be.

4 – Make sure you connect

The reason this is so important is because photographers are there to capture some of the most important moments of your life you need to feel comfortable being around them so they can achieve the most natural images that portray you in the best way.

5 – Could you put your trust in them capturing one of the most important days of your life?

If the answer is no, ask yourself why? Asking yourself this will help you on your journey in finding the right photographer for you. Trust is a huge part when hiring someone as your photographer.

I hope these tips help you find the right photographer!




{February 14, 2021}   Welcome to my first blog post…

I m particularly exited to lunch my blog because here I will share with you information about what I love to do the most : taking photos of people. I have lots of ideas I would like to share with you about my sessions, my life, photography related tips and tricks from my experience, and lot more.

This blog is for you if you have ever said :

  • I dread photo shoots

  • I hate my pictures being taken

  • I m not photogenic

  • I would love to have a few nice photos of my pregnancy but I do not have the figure for it

  • etc

This blog is also for you if you:

  • are seeking inspiration for your own photo session

  • are interested in photography

  • are looking for a new way to express yourself

  • are looking for a significant life event photo session

  • if you carry a self-image which is far from the reality

If you ever had these thoughts, then you are in the right place. My goal here is to encourage and inspire you to celebrate who YOU are.

Sometimes we are so close to see how amazing we are, we just need a bit of help from other people to see this in us. I m here to help you relax during the session, feel safe, happy, beautiful and most importantly BE YOU. My aim is to make the session easy and fun for you from the beginning to the end.

I encourage you to have a look at my website to learn more about me, what I offer, what I m passionate about.

Thank you for reading, visiting and commenting. I m exited to have you here !

*** Remember this post is a public forum, do not post anything confidential or private

*** I will remove any comments that are disrespectful, rude, racial, offensive or irrelevant.

{October 25, 2009}  

Diesel fuel for life:)bla bla

{October 25, 2009}   Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

et cetera